Puck Power

Affordable Hockey Protective

Equipment for All

At Puck Power, we are dedicated to ensuring everyone can access affordable hockey protective equipment.
We believe that the gear cost should not hinder the love for hockey. Our mission is to provide high-quality, affordable protective equipment to players of all ages and skill levels. Together, we can change lives, one donation, one player at a time.

It all began with two teammates, a kitchen table, and a shared dream that transcended their high school sports careers. These founders envisioned a world where every young athlete could chase their dreams without financial burden weighing them down. They didn’t just pass the puck; they passed on a legacy of generosity and empowerment. Today, their vision continues to fuel our mission, reminding us that true champions play for more than wins; they play for impact.

Empowering Youth with Quality Hockey Gear

At Puck Power, we are passionate about empowering youth by providing quality hockey gear. We understand that playing hockey goes beyond just a sport; it’s a way to build character, develop teamwork skills, and instill a sense of discipline and dedication. However, the cost of hockey protective equipment can be a significant barrier for many young athletes and their families. That’s where we come in. Our mission is to ensure that all aspiring hockey players have access to the best gear, regardless of their financial situation.

We believe every child deserves the opportunity to play hockey safely and confidently. By providing high-quality protective equipment, we promote safety on the ice and encourage more youth to engage in this exhilarating sport. Our commitment to the community and our dedication to the sport is reflected in every piece of equipment we provide.

  • Accessibility: We ensure that hockey protective equipment is available to all youth, regardless of their financial background. We partner with local organizations, schools, and community centers to distribute gear where it’s needed most. By making equipment accessible, we are opening doors for many young athletes to pursue their passion for hockey.
  • Quality: We prioritize quality in all the equipment we provide. This commitment to quality means young players can rely on their equipment to perform well and protect themselves during games and practices.
  • Support: We don’t just stop at providing equipment; we also offer ongoing support to young athletes. This includes maintenance tips, fitting sessions, and safety workshops to ensure the gear is used correctly and effectively. Our support also extends to parents and coaches, helping them understand the importance of proper equipment and how to maintain it.

By removing the financial barriers to acquiring hockey protective equipment, we are helping to cultivate a new generation of hockey players equipped to succeed both on and off the ice.

Your support is crucial to our mission. Join us at Puck Power Philanthropy in empowering youth with the quality hockey gear they need to thrive. With your help, we can continue to spread the love of hockey and ensure that every child has the chance to play safely and confidently. Together, we can create a community where hockey is accessible to all and where every young player can dream big and achieve their goals.

Community Initiatives Providing Essential Hockey Protective Equipment

At Puck Power, our core mission revolves around making hockey accessible and safe for everyone. We understand that the cost of protective equipment can be prohibitive, particularly for families in underprivileged communities. To address this issue, we have developed several community initiatives to provide essential hockey gear to youth and ensure they can enjoy the sport they love without financial constraints.

  • Partnerships with Local Organizations

Collaboration is key to our success. We partner with local schools, community centers, and youth organizations to identify athletes needing hockey protective equipment. These partnerships allow us to reach a broader audience and ensure that our resources are directed to where they are needed most. Working together can create a great support network for young hockey players and their families.

  • Equipment Donation Drives

We organize regular equipment donation drives in various communities. These events encourage individuals and organizations to donate new or gently used hockey gear. Our team meticulously inspects each piece of equipment to ensure it meets safety standards before distributing it. Donation drives provide essential equipment to those in need and foster a sense of community and collective responsibility.

  • Educational Workshops and Clinics

Providing equipment is only part of the solution. We also conduct workshops and clinics to teach young athletes, parents and coaches the importance of using proper protective equipment for hockey. These sessions cover topics such as fitting gear correctly, maintaining equipment, and understanding the safety features of different types of gear. By educating the community, we help ensure that the provided equipment is used effectively and safely.

  • Financial Assistance Programs

We recognize that some families may still struggle to afford discounted equipment, so we offer financial assistance programs. These programs provide grants or subsidies to cover the cost of hockey protective equipment for families in need. We aim to eliminate economic barriers that might prevent a child from playing hockey. Through our financial assistance programs, we strive to make the sport more inclusive and accessible.

  • Youth Engagement and Outreach

Engaging with the youth directly is a critical aspect of our initiatives. We organize outreach programs and events to introduce young people to hockey and encourage them to get involved. These events often include free clinics, meet-and-greets with local hockey players, and opportunities to try on and receive protective equipment. Creating a welcoming and supportive environment inspires more young athletes to take up the sport and stay active.

Philanthropy Driving Access to Hockey Protective Equipment

We understand that the cost of protective equipment can be a significant hurdle for many families. We collect new and gently used gear through community drives and partnerships with local businesses to combat this. By inspecting each piece to ensure it meets safety standards, we redistribute this equipment to young athletes in need. This program ensures that financial constraints do not prevent any child from enjoying and participating in hockey safely.

  1. Educating the Community: Education plays a crucial role in our mission to provide access to hockey protective equipment. We offer workshops and clinics to educate young players, parents, and coaches about the proper use and maintenance of hockey gear. These sessions emphasize the importance of fitting equipment correctly and understanding its safety features. Promoting best practices and raising awareness about equipment safety, we help create a safer environment with youth hockey equipment. Our educational efforts ensure that the provided gear is used effectively, enhancing the overall experience for young athletes.
  2. Financial Assistance Programs: These programs offer grants and subsidies to cover the cost of essential protective equipment for those in need. Providing financial support ensures that no child is left out of the game due to economic barriers. Our goal is to make hockey more inclusive, allowing every child to pursue their passion and develop their skills without worrying about the cost of equipment.

Puck Power is committed to breaking down barriers and expanding access to hockey for all youth. Join us in our mission to empower young athletes and foster a love for hockey in every community. Together, we can make a lasting impact and ensure that every child has the opportunity to play safely and confidently.